Wednesday, November 16, 2011

PMS posts

that's funny! I was just reading the last two posts and realized that I wanted to write the same thing: that I had a very frustrating day of homeschooling". I guess PMS has a way of doing that to me :( I hate feeling this way. No wonder I can't teach when I'm PMSing. HAAAA!!!!!! just want to scream!
Anyway, today God reminded me that he can still use me even if I'm in the "slump"! A girl from church asked me to go to the ladies class with her tonight. She doesn't come very often and her and the hubby have just separated. I felt very used by God that she'd reach out to me when she needed a friend to walk with her. I'm not even good friends with her. We have just talked a few times. No, she didn't show up to ladies class, but it was still a great reminder that even in the slump God still reaching out to me.