Saturday, March 13, 2010

Baby coming...

Well, I'm now almost 10 weeks. Still not sure how we are going to pay for pre-natal care and birth of the baby. Applied for Medicaid a few days ago. I'm pretty sure I don't qualify. Hoping that God has a miracle in store for us. I know this baby is already a miracle.....I just hope , if He choses to not approve the Medicaid, that we'll have wisdom financially to see what God wants us to do. I know He wants what's best for me. I wish I could go to the doc already, but am trying to be patient and wait on Him. 


FEB 15th, 2010
Been thinking about my should be coming anytime now.....I better check on the calendar when it's supposed to come.....WHAT??????????? It was supposed to come 10 DAYS ago???? NO WAY!!!!!! 
Did not have any tests at home. Had to wait until after work. So when I got off work, went to WM to get a few things and a test. Hubby said "I'll put stuff away, you go take a shower" ...3 minutes into my shower.... Hubby: "Is this for somebody at work?" Me: shook my head no....Hubby: stopped smiling. 
So after the shower I peed in a cup and put the stick in it. Positive. Hubby: "Let's wait 3 minutes" Me: "I'm pretty sure once it's positive it won't change in 3 minutes". Crying. Sobs. How could we have let this happen? I feel irresponsible. We have no insurance and don't qualify for assistance. Shock. What now? 
Well, let's figure out how far along I am. 6 weeks. Shock. Wow. Unbelievable. Shock. Shock. Shock. 
Posted on FB "be very careful what you pray for. God might just answer you in a way you never dreamed!"  A friend says "Are you pregnant?" Delete comment. Private e-mail "Yes" Another friends sends a private e-mail "what did you pray for? are you pregnant?" Wow! My friends are good! 

FEB 16th,2010
Can't stop crying. Still in such shock. Feeling bad I feel this way. Trying to absorb all this. Right now really don't feel like I can do this. But God must have another plans for us. Obviously. Wow. Shock. Tears. What is God thinking? Why? Can't wrap my mind around this yet.