Saturday, March 13, 2010

Baby coming...

Well, I'm now almost 10 weeks. Still not sure how we are going to pay for pre-natal care and birth of the baby. Applied for Medicaid a few days ago. I'm pretty sure I don't qualify. Hoping that God has a miracle in store for us. I know this baby is already a miracle.....I just hope , if He choses to not approve the Medicaid, that we'll have wisdom financially to see what God wants us to do. I know He wants what's best for me. I wish I could go to the doc already, but am trying to be patient and wait on Him. 


FEB 15th, 2010
Been thinking about my should be coming anytime now.....I better check on the calendar when it's supposed to come.....WHAT??????????? It was supposed to come 10 DAYS ago???? NO WAY!!!!!! 
Did not have any tests at home. Had to wait until after work. So when I got off work, went to WM to get a few things and a test. Hubby said "I'll put stuff away, you go take a shower" ...3 minutes into my shower.... Hubby: "Is this for somebody at work?" Me: shook my head no....Hubby: stopped smiling. 
So after the shower I peed in a cup and put the stick in it. Positive. Hubby: "Let's wait 3 minutes" Me: "I'm pretty sure once it's positive it won't change in 3 minutes". Crying. Sobs. How could we have let this happen? I feel irresponsible. We have no insurance and don't qualify for assistance. Shock. What now? 
Well, let's figure out how far along I am. 6 weeks. Shock. Wow. Unbelievable. Shock. Shock. Shock. 
Posted on FB "be very careful what you pray for. God might just answer you in a way you never dreamed!"  A friend says "Are you pregnant?" Delete comment. Private e-mail "Yes" Another friends sends a private e-mail "what did you pray for? are you pregnant?" Wow! My friends are good! 

FEB 16th,2010
Can't stop crying. Still in such shock. Feeling bad I feel this way. Trying to absorb all this. Right now really don't feel like I can do this. But God must have another plans for us. Obviously. Wow. Shock. Tears. What is God thinking? Why? Can't wrap my mind around this yet. 

Friday, February 12, 2010


Today I went with a friend to Classical Conversations session. As I sat there, I felt very inadequate. Not because of the school itself, but all the Mothers there seemed to have it all together when it comes to homeschooling. It kind of frustrated me! Can I really do this?

I have been thinking lately "why do I want to home-school ?" Besides the fact that I want to protect my kids from public school and its teachings, why? I've always wanted to be a teacher, that was my childhood dream, but I didn't think that was a good enough reason to home-school. So today after my nap, while still feeling inadequate, I told God how HE knows everything, English, grammar, geography, Latin, art, etc. Then it clicked! The same GOD that gives those Mothers confidence to teach their kids, is the same GOD that will help me to teach mine! I know right, big discovery! But really! IT was! So here's why I want to home-school: I want to grow spiritually, and I want my kids to see what's like to live a life where you re totally dependent on God.

"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not" (Jeremiah 33:3).

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Today I told my 4-year-old that when he get all done with school and gets big like Daddy, that he would leave home and go away for "grown up school" aka college. He started crying and said "I don't want to go away, I like you!!!"


About 2 months ago we watched an amazing video by Loui Giglio about "How Great Is Our God". It was breath taking to hear all the facts about some of the star MY God created, and He knows MY name!!!! 
That night our choir sang this song, and I just LOVE it! So here are the lyrics;

"How Great You Are"

A thousand sparkling stars upon a midnight summer sky,
the majesty and wonder of the ocean's endless tide.
And the more, I see the more I can't explain
how the One the set the world in place could even know MY name!
And I'm amazed, I'm so amazed,
How great You are, how small I am,
how awesome is Your might hand.
And I am captured by the wonder of it all.
And I will offer all my praise with all my heart for all ,y days.
How great You are, how great You are.
A million snowflakes gently fall, yet no two are the same.
The colors fill the canvas of the seasons as they change
And everywhere I look I see Your hand.
Why You would love someone like ME, I'll never understand!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Know THE WORD!!!!!

"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear" (1 Peter 3:15).

Sunday, January 24, 2010


While checking out at the grocery store today the cashier "happily" shared with me that people ask her all the time why is she so happy? Well, I got very convicted about that. How come I don't have people asking me all the time why am I so happy? I have an amazing husband and 2 wonderful boys; I have wonderful friends whom I know will drop what they are doing to help me if I need them; and I have an Almighty God, who loves me SO much that He gave His only Son to die for me!
I want to be so happy, and have so much joy in my life (in spite all my troubles) that people will ask me - all the time - "Why are you so happy?"

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jesus IS God!

While doing a lesson for the Wednesday night class with my 4 year old, I was telling him that Jesus alsways obeyed His mommy and daddy, and He never said "o" to them, and He always obeyed God too. He turned to me and said "But Mommy, Jesus IS God"!
Wow I had no idea he knew that? Sure he heard people talk about it, but to just say it factly like that was pretty cool....

The other day I woke up to the kids giggling, So I turned on the tv monitor and my older was in the crib with his little brother playing. It was the most heart warming thing I had ever heard. It was just so precious! I loved every minute f it. Thank I heard my little one crying, and his brother saying "sorry, sorry" then BOTH of them walked into my room! Apparently the other help the little to get out of his crib!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


This morning in church Pastor talked about being luke-warm and how Jesus gets sick to His stomach by luke-warm Christians. I think I am kind of luke-warm. I don't want to be, but I know I am. There are times when I go days without reading my bible or praying and I feel really guilty about it. I'm trying to teach my kids to pray and really lay on Jesus their burdens and here I am being a hypocrite about it. So today I went to the alter and asked Him to help me to be Hot for Jesus. I don't want to make Jesus sick to His stomach when He thinks of me. I want to make Him happy and I want Him to delight Himself in me. I need to stop spending so much time on Facebook and read my Bible more and spend time with Him more. I found this great podcast from Chip Ingram about Why I Believe" and I'm planning on taking notes while listening to it.

Friday, January 8, 2010


Last night while cooking dinner BabyBoy came running to me and said "Uney, Uney" meaning "Honey, Honey". I craked up husband calls me Honey.

The beginning

This is my official first post! Just a test! Will post something for real later......