Wednesday, November 16, 2011

PMS posts

that's funny! I was just reading the last two posts and realized that I wanted to write the same thing: that I had a very frustrating day of homeschooling". I guess PMS has a way of doing that to me :( I hate feeling this way. No wonder I can't teach when I'm PMSing. HAAAA!!!!!! just want to scream!
Anyway, today God reminded me that he can still use me even if I'm in the "slump"! A girl from church asked me to go to the ladies class with her tonight. She doesn't come very often and her and the hubby have just separated. I felt very used by God that she'd reach out to me when she needed a friend to walk with her. I'm not even good friends with her. We have just talked a few times. No, she didn't show up to ladies class, but it was still a great reminder that even in the slump God still reaching out to me.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

"We need to teach our daughters

 the difference between a man

 who flatters her, and a man

 who compliments her .... a man

 who spends money on her, and

 a man who invests in her .... a

 man who views her as property

, and a man who views her

 properly ..... a man who

 lusts after her, and a

 man who loves her ..... a

 man who believes he is God's

 gift to women, and a man who

 remembers a woman was God's gift to man. "

Thursday, September 8, 2011


I'm so discouraged to day with homeschooling.... Evan was doing great reading a couple of sentences and then he just REFUSED to finish them! I could not get him to read. He can read, but just didn't want to. I have no idea what to do or how to get him to read..... very frustrating....

Friday, August 26, 2011


I had been thinking of a couple of things to write, but now I'm drawing a BIG blank! I know, so why am I writing now?  I thought that if I just start rambling, something might just come to mind!

Gabe (3) has been such a cutie these days. Sure he is moody (I wonder where he gets that from? lol) and VERY dramatic, but he is SO sweet! I call him my Sweet Boy all the time. He tells me he loves often, and he really likes to snuggle. This makes this Mama VERY happy! I just LOVE his smile.... it melts my heart.

Evan (almost 6) went to the dentist today to get the last of his fillings done. He is SO brave! He only wined a bit when the doc was putting the anesthetic in. The rest of the time, he barely flinched! I could tell that there were moments when he was in some discomfort, and his eyes were looking for me, but he did great. And, he has 1 upper tooth loose! 

Noah (10 mos) is the monkey of them all! He climbs EVERYWHERE!!! I can't look away for 1 minute that he's on top of something. Today he started to walk quite well holding only 1 of our hands. He's still pretty wobbly but the most steady so far.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Can you say PMS????

WOW! last week was BAD pms week..... poor Hubby, he had no idea what to do with me :( My pms's have become more intense after having the Baby. I wonder if my hormones are out of whack from the pregnancy.... I'll talk to the doc next time I go in.

Friday, July 8, 2011


The other day when it started to rain, he came running in the house and said "Mommy, Mommy, Jesus said "let there be rain" at our house!!!!"

Yesterday the kids watched Wild Kratts and they were talking about octuposes and how they regenerate their tentacles. Later Gabe was pulling on his toes and when I asked him what he was doing he said "I'm pulling my toes off, so they will grow again!" I LOVE his imagination!!!!!

yesterday I was being kind of crazy in the car and he said "MOM! stop being crazy!!!"

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I've been thinking about my daughters in law a LOT lately. I 've been thinking I don't have any daughters myself and I would LOVE to pass on some "motherly wisdom" to somebody....

I must confess I am a bit scared of the future, and how my boys will choose to raise their kids. I'm scared I won't know when to shut up and when to back down. I'm scared they won't raise my grandkids to know and honor God. I'm scared we won't teach them to know and honor God in a way that they will remain in church, and make godly decisions. I'm scared we don't "walk the talk" in front of them. I'm scared we lack a LOT in our spiritual walk. I'm scared to be fake in front of them. I don't want to be fake. I want to be the real deal! I want to live out Christ in front of them. I want them to see God's love pour out of me.
Have I done that today? I know I haven't. We've had a rough day today. Bad attitudes, talking back, disrespect, and spanking. I'm now typing this. I'm very convicted. I want to live out Christ. I want my boys to "read" me and say "Wow, my mom was an amazing godly woman. I want my children to have a mother just like her." Can they say that right now? No. I'm embarrassed to say that I have failed miserably today. And most days to be honest. Why can't I just get it right?
I believe God wants me to depend on HIM DAILY for strength.